Edmonds is Our Home -- We need to Protect it.

Blanket elimination of current single-family zoning could permanently change the quality of life in our beautiful small city on the shores of Puget Sound. 

Some in local government with support from outside special interests seek to upzone all of Edmonds. The end goal? To eliminate single-family housed neighborhoods in favor of the more urban dense multifamily housing often found in much larger cities.

This isn't Edmonds. The Alliance of Citizens for Edmonds (ACE) supports responsible development that respects and complements the unique character of of our city. Preserve The Charm!


About ACE

ACE was founded in 2004 by concerned citizens in response to proposals to increase building heights in the scenic downtown business district. Fortunately for the community, existing height limits were retained, but only with considerable effort.

Over the years, ACE members have continued to successfully advocate for Edmonds livability issues. Our members and friends have also dedicated thousands of hours serving on city commissions, boards, committees, and in elected positions.

We provide residents with accurate information about land use activities and actions that allow them to distinguish between fact and rhetoric so they can make informed decisions and provide needed input to elected officials.

We invite you to join us in our efforts to retain those things that make Edmonds such a great place to live, work and play.

ACE’s Goals

To keep a sense and feel of a small town and its history by maintaining the vintage homes, building and architecture.
To encourage ideas and developments that complement the city’s character and unique charm.
To give support and promote those efforts that bring about a vibrant, active and healthy business, cultural and residential community.
To help and support the efforts to protect the streams, tree, beaches, parks, marshes and wild life that belong in that environment and, in turn, are part or the Edmonds community.